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DIY Shamrock Shake Recipe

March 1, 2019

By: Sarah Dudziak

shamrock shake.png



  • 6 scoops of vanilla ice cream
  • ½ teaspoon of Pure Mint Extract
  • ½ – ¾ cup milk (Use ½ cup for a thicker shake and ¾ to make it drinkable through a straw)
  • 7 drops of green food coloring
  • Whipped Cream
  • Cherries
1. Add six small scoops of ice cream to your blender.
2. Add in milk, mint extract, and food coloring.
3. If your blender gets stuck, stop the blender and use a spoon or fork to remove the ice cream off the blades before blending again. Or, you can add a wee bit more milk.
4. Pour into your favorite milkshake glass and top with a cherry and whipped cream.

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